Tweak LEDs and Buttons on a Synology Box

Tweak LEDs and Buttons on a Synology Box

A while ago I got a Synology and I noticed that my baby is attracted by its blue LED button in particular and the blinking lights, resulting in pushing the power button multiple times etc.... Yes, I know, I should put the box out of his reach, and I thought I did...

Then, i looked on the internet if there's any way to turn some of the lights off (ideally the HDD lights) and I found a wiki page. The idea is that you need a command line shell to the Synology box and you and do all kind of funny things with

echo <character> >/dev/ttyS1

From the page:

Char Hex Description
0 0x30 Power Button
1 0x31 Power off
2 0x32 Shorter Beep-Sound
3 0x33 Longer Beep-Sound
4 0x34 Power LED on
5 0x35 Power LED blink
6 0x36 Power LED off *
7 0x37 Status LED off *
8 0x38 Status LED green on
9 0x39 Status LED green blink
: 0x3A Status LED orange on
; 0x3B Status LED orange blink
@ 0x40 Copy LED on *
A 0x41 Copy LED blink
B 0x42 Copy LED off *
C 0x43 Reset
` 0x60 Copy Button

Note: These settings get reset on reboot so, if you want to repeat them, you'd better use a script stored directly on the server.


PS: All credit goes to the German guys and, if you find this extremely useful, please donate to them directly.