Bitbucket - API Helper Functions

Bitbucket - API Helper Functions

Get all pages

Normally, Bitbucket list queries return a JSON. They are structured so all the data is under a values key. You get a bunch of other data, among which a flag isLastPage that tells you if the page you retrieved is the last one.

I wrote below a function that iterates through pages and gets a list of results. It only depends on the the requests python package.

def get_all_pages(base_url:str):
    result = []
    count = 0
    limit = 50
    last_page = False
    prefix = "&" if base_url.find("?") > 0 else "/?"

    print(f">>> {base_url}")

    while not last_page:
        url = base_url + f"{prefix}start={count}&limit={limit}"
        response = requests.get(url, headers=HEADERS)

        if response.status_code != 200:
            print(f"Failed to get branches: {response.text}")
            return None
        repos_info = response.json()
        last_page = repos_info['isLastPage']
        count += limit
        result += repos_info['values']
    return result

Get all children

Some API requests have a different structure, where there's a path component and list of children:


In this case, the retrieval function is slightly different from the normal list of items:

def get_all_children(base_url):

    result = []
    count = 0
    limit = 50
    last_page = False
    prefix = "&" if base_url.find("?") > 0 else "/?"

    # print(f">>> {base_url}")

    while not last_page:
        url = base_url + f"{prefix}start={count}&limit={limit}"
        response = requests.get(url, headers=HEADERS)

        if response.status_code != 200:
            print(f"Failed to get branches: {response.text}")
            return None
        # This should not fail
        repos_info = response.json().get('children', {})
        last_page = repos_info['isLastPage']
        count += limit
        result += repos_info['values']

    return result

All these functions we'll use later to retrieve items from Bitbucket.


PS: This is part of the RAG with series.