Configure Volumio with PiFi DIGI DAC+

Configure Volumio with PiFi DIGI DAC+

The other day I've got a Chinese clone of HiFiBerry, a PiFi DAC+ v2.0:

PiFi shield

Here are the steps to configure it with Volumio.

First, you need to install Volumio 2 (2.129 at the moment of writing).

Volumio UI

You need to configure it to e.g. connect to the network, index songs.

Note: Back up your config.txt (and wpa_supplicant.conf)

Once you've got it up and running, select the Playback menu:

Volumio UI

... and select the Hifibetty DAC Plus for the Output Device and *DAC Model. Make sure you enable I2S DAC:

Volumio UI

For the options, I've left the defaults on:

Volumio UI

Same for the playback options:

Volumio UI

For the Volume Options, I've selected a Hardware mixer type with a Digital mixer control name:

Volumio UI

Once you save the configuration, you'll be asked to reboot. Do so. This will create a custom config.txt with something like:

initramfs volumio.initrd

Note: Saving the info will create a clean config.txt. All your customisations will be gone. Therefore, before restarting, edit your config.txt with your customisations (e.g. network or LCD).