Custom saving path for FileField

Saving FileFields
is pretty annoying anyway (all the manual stuff, saving chunks by hand...). The top bother is actually the limited way of creating paths: In MEDIA_ROOT, only with strftime
arguments. While this does limit the number of files in a directory, it's not as customisable as it should... So, here's the alternative:
def get_path(instance, filename):
ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(instance)
model = ctype.model.lower()
app = ctype.app_label
extension = filename.split('.')[-1]
dir = model
user = instance.user.username
user = 'anon'
chars = string.letters + string.digits
name = string.join(random.sample(chars, 8), '')
# debug
print (app, dir, user, name, extension)
return "%s/%s/%s/%s.%s" % (settings.DOWNLOAD_PATH, dir, user, name, extension)
# Excel file
class ExcelFileModel(models.Model):
This class defines the parameters for an uploaded file
@param file: The excel file
@param user: The user who uploaded the file
@param archive: A flag to identify if there is an archive we deal with (zip)
@param type: File type (archive/format/program...)
@param parent: The parent file (Parent file is an archive. Empty otherwise)
(u'F', u'Format'),
(u'P', u'Program'),
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
file = models.FileField(upload_to=get_path)
Now, your files are going to be saved in a path containing the username, with a mangled local name (so the only way to see which file it is and what's supposed to do is to look in the database). Cute.