Dell 720 on SuSE 9.3

Using all kind of info off the net, I've figured it out: you can actually use it:
Download the z600 tarball from Lexmark
Extract all it's components (few TCL scripts and RPMs)
install the RPMs (the cups one needs --nodeps to install, as it's compiled against a oddly numbered version of cups)
reconfigure the printer using yast as Lexmark Z600 and print the text test page (otherwise, you'll waste a lot of ink).
if you're using apt-get, you'll notice that it won't work anymore (because of the cups rpm) and it's going to want a
. great that
RPM::Ignore { "z600cups"; };
is allowed :)
Now you can use your fav apt frontend.
Hope someone finds it useful...
-- This is a really old post published originally on my blogspot blog