EPSO Practice E-tray test results

EPSO Practice E-tray test results

Today I did a new test from EU training, trying to perfect my method. I still have a way to go, because I'm exceeding the allocated time by 3 minutes.

My results were as follows:

Question A B C Deviation[1]
1 ++ - + 5
2 - + ++ 3
3 ++ - + 1
4 -- -/+ ++ 3
5 + -- - 1
6 -/+ + ++ 4
7 -/+ ++ -- 1
8 - + ++ 4
9 + ++ -- 2
10 -/+ -- ++ 4
11 + ++ - 1
12 - ++ -/+ 7
13 - -/+ ++ 6
14 + - ++ 3
15 - ++ -/+ 4
16 -- + ++ 6
17 + ++ - 1
18 ++ + -- 3
19 - + ++ 0
20 + ++ -- 3
21 -- + ++ 2

Now, I think the max error per question would be 11, so my rate is 28%. Quite high again, but still under 30%. I still hope I improve my rates as I progress.

The same metrics as before:

Type Score
Average per question 3.05
Delta (score/max score) 28%

It's worse than before, but the previous result looks like an outlier.



  1. See here for reference ↩︎