The past couple of days I've seen a raise in "cake date" posts on reddit. I'm probably behind the trend on this one, but I never paid attention to the dates I open an account. Nevertheless... I had to find mine, so here's a quick tutorial:

  1. Log in into your Reddit account (d'oh!),
  2. Go to RSS feeds preferences page (hit "preferences" link and then the "RSS feeds" tab) or use this link straight on,
  3. Copy the JSON link for the e.g. links you've liked (it'll have a format like:
  4. Paste the link in the browser, replace "liked.json" with "about.json" and load the link.

At the end you'll have a JSON string with a key "created_utc". The number corresponding to it is the creation date as a timestamp. You can convert it easily using e.g. the Epoch converter.

Enjoy and gi'z us a poke if you like :)