We had to hire an architect

We had to hire an architect

Well, our constructor told us we need an architect. So I did some digging...

Payment Scheme

I found here a way to schedule payments to the architect:

Phase Activity Percentage Effort
Conception Etudes préliminaires 5 % 33 h
Avant projet sommaire (APS) 10 % 66 h
Avant projet détaillé (APD) 10 % 66 h
Permis d'urbanisme (PU) 10 % 66 h
Projet pour exécution 15 % 99 h
Cahier des charges 5 % 33 h
TOTAL 55 % 363 h
Phase Activity Percentage Effort
Travaux Assistance aux contrats 5 % 33 h
Direction des travaux 25 % 166 h
Détails d'exécution 5 % 33 h
Approbation des documents 5 % 33 h
Assistance aux réceptions 5 % 33 h
TOTAL 45 % 298 h

And, for the total:

Phase Percentage Effort
TOTAL Conception 55 % 363 h
TOTAL Travaux 45 % 298 h
TOTAL GÉNÉRAL 100 % 661 h

To this, we have our questions:

  • The Belgian architect deals only with the first part. Who deals with the second?
  • Does not say anything about scheduling

Think before you act

Take stock of all costs before you even start building. Better to calculate too large than not enough. In addition to obvious expenses, such as materials and working hours, did you consider, for example, notary and architect fees, VAT and registration fees, etc.? A complete list of costs will help you avoid unpleasant surprises.


Don't be intimidated. It's your money. Do not hesitate to multiply the requests for offers to architects, contractors and other tradespeople. Choose the ideal team for your project with service providers who offer you the best value for money.

Tip: Some small changes to the project can result in substantial savings. Feel free to ask the question openly to all concerned.

The bigger, the more expensive

The equation is simple: The bigger the surface, the more materials and the hours of work will be. Think about the size of your project and, with your architect, try to put every inch to work.


You'll find many video tutorials on masonry, plastering, painting, etc. on YouTube. You are not a handyman? Mobilize your friends or loved ones in exchange for a few cold beers or a nice dinner.

Tip: Determine in advance with your architect and contractor which tasks you can/want to do. Favor easy but time-consuming work.

Loans are weird

If you want a loan, is it a house loan (credit, or mandate), a bridge one? See with more banks.

Build for tomorrow

With sustainable techniques and materials, perhaps more expensive to buy, but more profitable in the long term, especially in terms of energy savings. To live passively is to invest actively!

See passive houses, they're in fashion.