House log - 09/06/21

Today I went to the house to see the progress of the third session done by the painter. He came back on Monday (07/06).
He did good progress. For consistency, I will use the same reference as in the previous post:
- Smoothing out the joints
- A cover layer (maybe to increase adherence?)
- The final layer
Completion rate
The result for three days' work looks like this:
Now we have two painting sessions and we can analyse a bit the progress. The chart below illustrates this progress:
The orange color represents the finished walls. If the bar is orange, then the walls are finished :)
Disclaimer: There are some errors because some walls are smaller, some are larger in surface (surface-wise, the completion percentage is less than 15% simply because the biggest walls are not finished).
More metrics
The painter worked 2.5 days to get to the current state.
Considering he works approximately 10h/day to get to the current state, it would take him alone
- around 12 working days at the same rhythm of work or
- about 14 days at an 8-hour work day.
As before, these are ballpark estimates and there are a lot of factors influencing the progress (e.g. materials' availability, work conditions ...).