House Log – Preliminary Approval

So we got the preliminary approval from the Commune. They say they're OK with us building the house, but we need to wait a cooling-off period of 30 days.
They gave us a long list of 'but'-s to their agreement to build:
- The 3 tall-stemmed trees that are indicated on the planting plan as "Existing tree / trees" and that are in the area to be deforested may not be cut down. These must be protected during the duration of the works and must be kept and maintained in good condition.
- The advice from the Nature and Forest Agency, received on. March 21, 2019 with reference 19-203233 strictly:
- The license is granted on the basis of Article 90bis, §5, third paragraph, of the Forest Decree and under the conditions as included in the attached compensation form with reference: 19-203233.
- The area to be wooded is 785 m². This area no longer falls under the scope of application of the Forest Decree.
- The remaining forest area of 850 m² must be preserved** AS FOREST**. Additional logging in this zone can only be carried out if authorized by the Agency for Nature and Forest. Neither is it permitted to erect structures in this zone or to make radical changes to the soil, the litter, herb or tree layer.
- Deforestation can only be carried out in accordance with the plan added as an appendix, on which the areas to be preserved as forests are also indicated.
- The forest conservation contribution of MUCH € must be paid within 4 months from the date on which this permit may be used. The transfer form for settling the forest conservation contribution will be sent directly by our Agency to the applicant as soon as the permit comes into effect.
- the decree of 1 June 2012 concerning the protection of homes by optical smoke detectors must be observed;
- constructing the entrances to the building in such a way that they are not blocked by trees, lighting posts, road signs, etc. standing along the public road; all trips are at the expense of the owners;
- not to make relief changes, unless they are explicitly stated on the plans;
- do not change the natural level of the ground at a distance of less than 50 cm from the property limits;
- to bear the costs of constructing, replacing or expanding all utility pipes and sewers, as well as the connection to these;
- the connection to the sewer network must be the subject of a separate application and permit. The private water drain must be inspected for the correct separation of rainwater and waste water and, in the case of new construction or major renovations, for the presence of a rainwater pit. The client requests the inspection via the public works department; the inspection takes place at the expense of the principal. The connection to the public sewer system can / will only be carried out after submitting a favourable test certificate for private water drainage;
- in accordance with Chapter 2 of the General Municipal Police Regulations, to maintain or have maintained the footpath in good condition before his / her property. In the event of damage, the principal is obliged to restore the rules of the art to the footpaths, curb stones, water drops, water swallows and the road surface before the property where the building is erected.
We also got a request to put in another post because we're cutting trees and the forestry department has agreed to let us cut the said trees (well, almost).
So now we wait (again) 30 days.