House log - Progress 05/28

Today was a second eventful day.
We had a meeting scheduled from 10:30, with three points:
- Finalise discussion with Electricien Belgium
- Decide on the sewage (-3m + pump or -.7m gravitational)
- Visit from a prospective client
When I arrived at the site, I've been told by the translator that Electricien Belgium rang and said everything is clear and there is no need to meet any more. OK then...
The same guy told me that the site manager would come straight from Germany and should be arriving soon. In the meantime the guy from the digging company and our contractor dealing with the connections etc. came.
The prospective client came too. ...and went.
All this time I have been asking the translator to get in touch with the site manager, getting an answer that the guy was unreachable. So we discussed about the two solutions:
- Dig 3+ meters on hte lateral of the house because the constructors forgot about the pipes going out. The civil engineer said this is risky, expensive patchwork (we can damage the house) and we should find something else.
- The other contractor suggested drilling a hole at -70cm and use gravity. The translator agreed, with the ever-mention I am but a translator, what do I know?.
So, all in all, my pain point for which I have asked two contractors to join me was not solved... only to receive a call from the translator saying that he finally got in touch with hte manager (how convenient!) and the guy said "NEIN". we must dig 3+ meters.