Huawei E169,Tele2Tango and Snow Leopard

Huawei E169,Tele2Tango and Snow Leopard

Note: This is a really old post transferred from Laurii for historical and consolidation purposes.

Last week I've installed Snow leopard on my MacBook and noticed (not really surprised) that the installation program from my "Tele2Tango" Huawei e169 crashed miserably. Here's the first application which is definitely NOT "Snow Leopard" compatible.

So, I've used the following strategy:

  • Open the "Contents" of the Tele2Tango application and install the .pkg file. This will actually install the drivers and the mac application.
  • I've tried to launch the application and I get 100% CPU usage, so "no go"
  • Open the Network Settings (System information)
  • Since the stick is still in, you can select "Other" manufacturer and the Huawei should show up
  • Add that and it's going to present you with a default configuration with empty fields. You need to change that to:
    1. Dial number: *99#
    2. Username: tango
    3. Password: tango
  • Check the box to show you the status on the top bar
  • You can connect now
