Remove Executions in Rundeck

TL;DR: You have to get the executions' list and remove the appropriate ones using hte API.
Once we've managed to get the list of job executions, we can use the API to remove the relevant executions. The command is rather simple:
def deleteExecutions(server, port, api_key, execution_ids):
url = server +':'+port+'/api/12/executions/delete?ids=' +
headers = {'Content-Length': '0', 'X-RunDeck-Auth-Token': api_key }, headers=headers, verify=False)
This method requires:
- the Rundeck's server addressport
- the port on which we can connect to the Rundeck serverapi_key
- the API keyexecution_ids
- an array of valid execution IDs
The function will try to remove all execution IDs in one go, since the API accepts a comma-separated list of executions IDs. In practice, one should build a list of maximum 20-30 items, as removing e.g. 1000 items in one go might time out and block the Rundeck instance until the time out.
Note: You can also remove a single execution:
def deleteExecution(server, port, api_key, execution_id):
url = server +':'+port+'/api/12/execution/'+execution_id
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-RunDeck-Auth-Token': api_key
requests.delete(url, headers=headers, verify=False)
Normally, the function above is called when the list of execution IDs is built based on some criteria. For example, we can choose to select only the executions older than a number of days. In this case, we can build a function to check agains a date:
EXPIRE_MILISECONDS = EXPIRE_DAYS * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
def isOlderThanExpireDays(execution_date, today):
if ((today - execution_date) > EXPIRE_MILISECONDS):
return True
return False
where execution date
is the timestamp of a specific execution and today
is today's timestamp:
today = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
Note: I chose to pass today
as a parameter because the script can take days to execute if you have e.g. 300,000+ executions.
function below implements the described logic:
def checkDeletion(server, port, api_key, execid_dates):
deleted = 0
count = 1
arr = []
for exec_id in execid_dates:
today = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
exec_date = execid_dates[exec_id]
if isOlderThanExpireDays(int(exec_date), today):
deleted += 1
count += 1'\t we have %d removable jobs' % len(arr))
count = 0
while len(arr):
batch = []
start =
while len(batch) < BATCH_SIZE and len(arr):
deleteExecutions(server, port, api_key, batch)
end =
delta = end-start
count += len(batch)"\t Removed %7d of %7d @ %3.3f execs/s" %
(count, deleted, (BATCH_SIZE * 1.0 /
( delta.seconds + delta.microseconds/1E6))))
return deleted
To be more precise, the first loop builds the list ov delete-able executions and the second one remives one BATCH_SIZE
at a time.