Sick and back again

Sick and back again

Well, I had tonsils with white spots on them. Actually, they were covered in white :(. It hurt like hell, so, in about 30 years, I went to the hospital for a few days (... I.V. stuff). Laura was great during this time and stayed with me all the time.

Worked on the wireless thing a lot lately, and it's taking shape. now I've decided that I'll implement it with Qt4. It's highly experimental, but it offers me the event-based stuff (Q_OBJECT) and it's going to be really easy to put all bits together. It already compiles with Qt4 (the test programs that is). Now I have to get daemon's loop replaced with a QCoreApplication... it's going to happen today. I'm really sick and tired of manually changing the wireless setup between work and home.

Laura went to Italy last Monday and I'm quite sad for the last week. Sad is inaccurate. More like a part of me left with her...

-- This is a really old post published originally on my blogspot blog