Some Interview Questions

Some Interview Questions

The other day I've gotten wind of a bunch of interview questions for the EU Institutions. This apparently was a specialist interview in one of the Executive Agencies, so here it goes:

Head of Department

We have invited everybody who was successful in the preliminary tests for this interview
You'll have questions about your motivation to apply for this position.

Panel members

Present yourself, focusing on your previous experience, relevant for this project adviser position

What is your motivation for going for the Project Adviser post

Please describe the main steps of the project lifecycle and highlight which one of the steps is the most critical one (if you don't go too into detail): Can you please develop more these steps

Which one of these steps is the most critical one and why

Could you give us two tasks of a <position title> here in <Agency> you could contribute to (and how)

On underperforming projects: How do you detect (how do you know) a project is underperforming

What do you think a <position title> can do (should do) if (s)he identifies problems

What kind of sanctions could be taken

Relationship between the Project Coordinator and the <position title> (personal skills), most important aspects of this relationship


Do you have a concrete example of an underperforming project

Describe a difficult situation with a colleague, how you solved it and how your communicating with the head of unit plaid a role

What are the potential pitfalls of teamwork
Which are the H2020 programs that <Agency> is dealing with

Do you know specific programs that we are managing here

Other activities that are the core business of the <Agency>

...And what is not programme implementation