Feb 14, 2016 android api class client google interface signature GoogleApiClient .connect() Interface or Class TL;DR: * If it's your code, check the version play services (com.google.android.gms:play-services-\*). * If you're using a library,
Jan 28, 2016 android app hide icon launcher nova Hide Apps in Nova Launcher Drawer TL;DR: Select Nova Settings -> App and widget drawers -> Hide apps (scroll down bit) -> select the apps you want
Jan 24, 2016 android notification wear Add Wear Notifications to Android App TL;DR: Use android.support.v4.app notification mechanism. Steps are: * Create a WearableExtender: NotificationCompat.WearableExtender wearableExtender = new NotificationCompat.WearableExtender() .setHintShowBackgroundOnly(true) .setHintHideIcon(true) .setContentIcon(
Jan 3, 2016 android awesome font java load vector Load Glyphs with LibGDX TL;DR: Remember to give the font loader the list of characters to render from the font! I'm trying to get a more
Nov 27, 2015 amazon android bash image sash script underground Generate Amazon Underground Launcher Icons TL;DR: Use (adapt) the script below to automatically generate the Amazon Underground application launcher icons. I was toying with the idea to build an