Jan 8, 2015 analytics android decouple google mixpanel Decoupled Analytics While writing my first app, I've decided to try some analytics services. The most obvious one is, of course, Google Analytics (well, it&
Jan 6, 2015 actionbar activity android preferenceactivity toolbar Add a Toolbar to a PreferenceActivity When trying to move a playground to Material Design, I stumbled upon the new Toolbar widget, which is supposed to replace the ActionBar (well, that&
Dec 18, 2014 android dialog material style theme Make Dialogs Obey Your Material Theme Material design is nice. Flat, with well determined contrast rules... and most applications I've seen look excellent. I wanted my application to loon
Dec 17, 2014 android periodic service timer Launch a timed service - Strategies An app I am writing at the moment needs to have a periodic timer, i.e. a way to run a bit of code at
Dec 1, 2014 android build factor file gradle refactor split Split a Gradle Build File TL;DR: If you can, use ext {} with constants (hash). You can do call pointer things too! In the past days I've been