Dec 3, 2016 angular javascript scss webpack Electron AppUse SCSS, Luke! Traditionally, I've been a LESS supporter. The way it does mixins for example seems to me more intuitive. However, I noticed that my
Dec 2, 2016 angular babel electron javascript webpack Electron and WebPack - Live Reloads I wanted to create a skeleton with Electron, Angular 2, capable of live reload while in development. I've settled on the following framework:
Dec 2, 2016 angular electron javascript Electron App. Why angular-cli? The decision has been made for me since I'm new to Angular in general and the CLI offers a package deal particularly where
Aug 28, 2015 3 angular bootstrap css footer material Real Sticky Footer with Material Angular I needed to set up a sticky footer as part of my Angular and Material Design experiment. You would not believe how many resource I