Feb 19, 2015 android cache home large settings studio Android Studio: Change the Cache Location Note: This is an updated article to reflect the stable release of AS. If you are looking for the old one, please see here. Android
Feb 18, 2015 cache dns lookup optimise synology Set Up a Local DNS with Synology DiskStation The last days I tried to set up a local DNS cache thing on my Synology, just to use up the CPU a bit more.
Oct 1, 2014 cache intellij pycharm PyCharm: Change the location of .PyCharmXX In the good practice of IntelliJ application, PyCharm creates its own cache directory in your home. Mind you this can get really big (300Mb+) and
Sep 30, 2014 android cache home large studio Android Studio: Change the Cache Location (AndroidStudioBeta) Android Studio (AS) creates a directory .AndroidStudioBeta (which will likely be .AndroidStudio once it's launched officially). This happens for each user and looks
Sep 30, 2014 cache home index intellij products IntelliJ: Change the default cache location (e.g. .IntelliJIdeaXX) Everything started from a problem I had with PyCharm, where it would create a ".PyCharm30" directory in my home, which would end up