Jul 17, 2018 django docker image oracle Build a Django Docker Image with Cx-Oracle TL;DR: Don't use alpine images. There's a glibc issue. We added a cx-oracle dependency to one of our django apps.
Dec 12, 2017 docker elastic kibana log logstash monitor search Monitor Docker Logs with ELK - 1 Following my attempts to monitor ethOS data via ElasticSearch and Kibana, I've thought it would be a good idea to start monitoring the
Nov 17, 2017 command docker exec path wrap Docker Exec Path-based Commands TL;DR: Use sh -c "command with arguments" I've tried to execute docker exec <container> du / in order to
Nov 17, 2017 convert docker dos error shell unix windows Fix *standard_init_linux.go:XXX: exec user process caused "no such file or directory"* Error TL;DR: Use dos2unix While switching from Ubuntu to Alpine images, I've encountered the fillowing error: standard_init_linux.go:195: exec user
Nov 16, 2017 400 build docker maven plugin HTTP 400 Bad Request with docker-maven-plugin TL;DR: Check your Dockerfile (try to build it manually) before anything else! Today I was struggling with a 400 error: Exception caught: Request error: