elastic Monitor ethOS Distro with Elastic Search - 3 Once we've set up the data sending from out ethOS machine, we can check that ElasticSearch collects data. With GET /ethos/_count, we get something like: { "count": 5319, "_shards": { "total": 5, "successful": 5, "skipped": 0, "failed"
elastic Monitor Docker Logs with ELK - 2 This second post in the series provides a starting point for visualising the log data. It makes some assumptions that logs are collected in a way described by the first part, so I would suggest to read through it if you haven't already. Verify First, make sure you
docker Monitor Docker Logs with ELK - 1 Following my attempts to monitor ethOS data via ElasticSearch and Kibana, I've thought it would be a good idea to start monitoring the logs produced by my various docker instances. This first part deals with configuring ELK and logspout. Prerequisites I assume the following: * ELK is installed. You
configure Monitor ethOS Distro with Elastic Search - 2 Following the previous post, we are now in position to install the monitoring code on the monitoried machine, of course. The easiest way is to download the code on the machine in /home/ethos. Following steps will assume you have the unpacked code in /home/ethos/ethos-elasticsearch Once you have
elastic Don't Symlink Indices in ElasticSearch! The other day I've been trying to improve the downtime when updating an index in elasticsearch (ES) and I've decided the best approach would be to create a new index and do a symlink to the active one, keeping the valid index. so, my structure would