helm Helm - Variable Access Access to variable in Helm is strange for me. Here's how I solved an error.
418 Fix 418 Unused Error on Dreamhost TL;DR: Have a look at the error log and then to the violated rule. Suddenly, I started to get 418 errors on one of my sites. I'd just get 418 from the source and as they say: that was that. Normally, I don't even notice
404 Fix Not Found Package Errors with .staging Warnings on Npm Install TL;DR: Clean the npm cache and the package-lock.json The other day I started to get ENOENT warning when running npm install like: [WARNING] npm WARN tar ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/test/app/node_modules/.staging/mydatepicker-b7bb53d9/dist/index.js' only to have
angular Fix TS1144 for e.g. flex-layout TL;DR: Update your typescript version dependency. These days we're updating some angular apps to the most recent version (6 at the time of writing this entry). Everything is nice, with the exception of various errors we get because of the other dependencies. The most recent one was
convert Fix *standard_init_linux.go:XXX: exec user process caused "no such file or directory"* Error TL;DR: Use dos2unix While switching from Ubuntu to Alpine images, I've encountered the fillowing error: standard_init_linux.go:195: exec user process caused "no such file or directory" Quite unfortunate, because the script stayed in the same spot and only the image changed. After
elastic Don't Symlink Indices in ElasticSearch! The other day I've been trying to improve the downtime when updating an index in elasticsearch (ES) and I've decided the best approach would be to create a new index and do a symlink to the active one, keeping the valid index. so, my structure would
devops Fix Jenkins POM Freezer "Wrong Relative POM" Error If you get a build error in Jenkins like: [ERROR] The build could not read 5 projects -> [Help 1] [ERROR] [ERROR] The project com.laurivan.project:project-common:1.0-34-9 (/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/project/workspace/project-common/frozen.pom.xml) has 1 error [ERROR] Non-resolvable parent POM: Could not
dbms Display a Function's Errors in Oracle TL;DR: Use the power of DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE, Luke! I've built a function along the lines of: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION HAS_PANEL_FLAG_OK( P_USER_ID in USERS.USER_ID%TYPE, P_PANEL_ID in PANELS.PANEL_ID%TYPE, ) RETURN integer IS lv_count
android Fix "Multiple dex files define L..." Errors Today I got an error when building the APK: Multiple dex files define L/... My scenario is that of a project with 2 modules: a core and an app. Both modules use a plugin named androiddevmetrics, which generate some code, including a class which has the same signature in both
dex Fix Gradle Error: UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION Today I got the lovely UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION from the dexer in android. Looking on the net yielded several causes and resolutions. Note: I'm using Gradle 2.10, Android Studio 2.0.0-beta2 Caching Apparently, sometimes Gradle is shooting itself in the foot with the caching. The first
android Butterknife: ClassCastException: Symbol$VarSymbol ... The other day I decided to update my Butterknife from 6.x.x to 7.x.x. Immediately I noticed some refactoring (e.g. @InjectView became @Bind). I updated my code and got build (from Android Studio's "make"). Unfortunately, when I tried to test it, I
error Synology and "Sparsebundle is Already in Use" Error Today one of my Sinology drives failed. When I've replaced it, I got an error from my Mac's Time Machine about a "sparsebundle is already in use". I saw a discussion saying the solution was to close/reopen TM connection. With Synology, I only
android Attempted to Finish an Input Event ... ... but input event receiver has already been disposed. This is the error I got while trying to do something off a menu in Android. Silly really. The message is not too revealing so I ended up scouring the net for an answer and scratching my head afterwards... With a service