Jul 15, 2021 house davinci security tile paint House log - 14/07/21 Today, there was a lot of commotion at the house. Security The security people came to install the system. Advantages: 1. Cheap - they had
Jun 20, 2021 house davinci paint House log - 18/06/21 Today I went to the house to see the progress of the third session done by the painter (after he went home for the weekend)
Jun 12, 2021 house davinci paint House log - 11/06/21 Today I went to the house to see the progress of the third session done by the painter (after he went home for the weekend)
Jun 10, 2021 house davinci paint House log - 09/06/21 Today I went to the house to see the progress of the third session done by the painter. He came back on Monday (07/06)