ai And Now, Some Art - More Computers Prompt: network rack vintage blueprint high detail Prompt: network rack vintage blueprint high detail Prompt: network rack vintage blueprint high detail I like these :)
ai And Now, Some Art - Computers Here are some rack images generated with Stable Diffusion (via discord): Prompt: network rack vintage blueprint high detail Prompt: network rack vintage blueprint high detail Prompt: desktop computer exploded components Da Vinci drawing Prompt: desktop computer exploded components Da Vinci drawing (other seed)
django Build a Django Docker Image with Cx-Oracle TL;DR: Don't use alpine images. There's a glibc issue. We added a cx-oracle dependency to one of our django apps. As the previous image was just an alpine basic (python) image we needed to put in place a process to build the new image. Initially,
container Allow Docker Container Access Behind Proxy In the previous post, I've described how to build an image when you're behind a proxy. Now, if your container needs access to the internet for e.g. downloading python dependencies, you'll need to give it explicitly. The way to do it is via
amazon Generate Amazon Underground Launcher Icons TL;DR: Use (adapt) the script below to automatically generate the Amazon Underground application launcher icons. I was toying with the idea to build an Amazon Underground version of one of my applications. According to their rules, you need to: * Repackage your app * Name custom permissions (Lollipop) * Apply Amazon Underground
enhance A nice Visual Effect Today I wanted to get a headline image for my site, with a Gantt chart. I started from: which is a bit dull. I created then a photo filter layer with the following attributes: * Filter: warming filter * Density: 25% (I think that's the default) * Blending mode: Screen The
bootstrap Decent image loader widget in django I'm working on a website where I need to be able to load an image. The default widget is abysmal; it has a url to the current image, a checkbox and a file loader input element. Even styled, it looks pretty bad. So, I've taken upon