Aug 19, 2014 android gradle hugo java verifyerror version Android java.lang.VerifyError and Boilerplate code TL;DR: Change the java version compatibility in your gradle file (see below) or remove Hugo references from your e.g. "debug" code
Aug 9, 2014 android dependency eli5 injection java ELI5 - Injection Concepts TL;DR: Injection is the process to automatically initialise variables (or parameters) when building an instance. I'we tried to wrap my head around
Aug 8, 2014 andriod concept eli5 java ELI5 - Android and Java Libraries and Concepts These days I'm learning how to build an Android application. After building a step-by-step simple app (like a "Hello world!", but
Feb 22, 2014 android fragment graphview java Use a GraphView in a Fragment From what I've seen, most tutorials relative to GraphView use direct Actions. I wanted to use a Fragment instead. Here are the steps
May 14, 2010 client java jax ws wsimport Web services: Create a client with wsimport Following is a quick tutorial on how to create/use a web service (WS) client with wsimport. Recently, I have been playing with creating a