Oct 18, 2018 deploy jenkins pipeline type Jenkins Pipeline Deployment Variants This post outlined a list of steps in a pipeline. When building actual pipelines, I've noticed the deployment process is more than just
May 30, 2018 best jenkins pipeline pracice How to Develop Pipelines - Some Best Practices These days I'm developing a bunch of pipelines to automatise the build/deployment process. Here are some things I've learned: How
May 24, 2018 http jenkins pipeline request Sending HTTP requests with Jenkins Pipelines As part of the CI/CD process, we might need to communicate with some external services' APIs (e.g. notifying elastic search of a
May 24, 2018 deploy jenkins pipeline An Initial CI/CD Pipeline Release-based deployments are sort of nice in the sense that you plan, draw a line, prepare stuff and release one or more components at the
Mar 16, 2018 approve groovy jenkins sandbox security Run Restricted Groovy API in Jenkins The more recent versions of Jenkins have improved on security. Unfortunately, a side-effect is that scripts which were running before would fail now. An example