android Add Wear Notifications to Android App TL;DR: Use notification mechanism. Steps are: * Create a WearableExtender: NotificationCompat.WearableExtender wearableExtender = new NotificationCompat.WearableExtender() .setHintShowBackgroundOnly(true) .setHintHideIcon(true) .setContentIcon(R.mipmap.ic_launcher); * Extend the notification mechanism: NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this) .setContentTitle(titl
activity Android: Make Your Notification even Sticky-er In my previous post, I've expanded things to make a notification sticky. This worked in my tests until yesterday, when I've found a new case where my notification would go away: 1. Build an sticky notification as per the two previous posts 2. Activate the notification
android Android: Make Your Notification Sticky Following my quest from the previous article, I realised that my app would not be in the foreground, like an email, browser or a game might be, but it would work without any GUI, using something like a cron job. This is all nice and lovely, but I'm
android Android: Notifications with Custom Layout In the previous entries, I have managed to display a notification and make it sticky. Now, since the app I'm developing is supposed to be visible mainly through this notification, I wanted to see if I can customise the actual content. Yes, I know there are options by
android Android: Display a Notification One of the applications I'm thinking about I want it designed like the notification-based applications you see out there (Light Flow from reactle comes to mind). To be able to do this, I first need the app to display a notification on the device as a first step.