Oct 18, 2018 deploy jenkins pipeline type Jenkins Pipeline Deployment Variants This post outlined a list of steps in a pipeline. When building actual pipelines, I've noticed the deployment process is more than just
May 30, 2018 best jenkins pipeline pracice How to Develop Pipelines - Some Best Practices These days I'm developing a bunch of pipelines to automatise the build/deployment process. Here are some things I've learned: How
May 24, 2018 http jenkins pipeline request Sending HTTP requests with Jenkins Pipelines As part of the CI/CD process, we might need to communicate with some external services' APIs (e.g. notifying elastic search of a
May 24, 2018 deploy jenkins pipeline An Initial CI/CD Pipeline Release-based deployments are sort of nice in the sense that you plan, draw a line, prepare stuff and release one or more components at the
Nov 10, 2017 docker gocd initialise job pipeline python task Initialise Python with GoCD Following the deployment of a python-aware agent, we can start creating a pipeline. The first stage would be to: 1. Clean up any previous data