ansible Better Reverse Proxies with SWAG and Ansible I've updated my swag_reverse_proxy role with more variables for templates!
ansible Add Reverse Proxies with SWAG and Ansible I've created an ansible role to allow me to build reverse proxy configurations and just deploy them.
gitea Set up NGINX reverse Proxy for Gitea (HTTP) Today I am setting up reverse proxies for some of my applications. While I'm comfortable with using IP addresses, I recognize the usefulness of having a nice name like git.laurii.lan instead of First on the list is the git repository where I
container Allow Docker Container Access Behind Proxy In the previous post, I've described how to build an image when you're behind a proxy. Now, if your container needs access to the internet for e.g. downloading python dependencies, you'll need to give it explicitly. The way to do it is via
8 Use Docker Behind Proxy on Windows 8 The other day I had to install Docker at work, aka behind a corporate proxy (on Windows 8). While the docker installer is stand-alone and all is good, dealing with the VM is a different matter... The problem popped up when I tried to create a Django image and pip
java Pass Through a Corporate Proxy in Java TL;DR: There's no easy way to create a proxy :) I've tried for a while to build a way to request something through a proxy, for testing an emulated android app. The solution came from Octavian who kindly provided me a snippet to run once per
chrome Inject Proxy Settings in Selenium/Chrome I have the following situation: I'm behind a corporate proxy and I need to run a test accessing an external website. To do this, I've picked up chrome/chromium as driver of choice. My current solution implies an authentication via plugin. The plugin The chrome plugin
configuration Set Different Gradle Configurations TL;DR: create a global file (in <HOME>/.gradle or GRADLE_USER_HOME if defined). Place there the system specific configuration. The other day I had the unpleasant surprise that Android Studio replicated my proxy settings into and got committed to Git. Including a
control Install and Use Package Control Behind Proxy TL;DR: Install Package Control manually. Add the proxy settings to the configuration file as described in step 2 below. Today I've had to install Sublime Text 3 again on a new computer. Package control didn't want to install due to my proxy settings (I was
build Set Up Concourse Behind a Proxy TL;DR: Most important thing is to find out if your proxy mangles/removes headers. If yes, then you need to contact your IT department. I've got the following error: Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while
android Gradle(w) and Proxy Authentication The recent updates in Android Studio eliminate the possibility of passing JVM arguments to gradle. That's quite unfortunate because I quite liked my solution and now I was getting a (not) nice Connection refused message... So I had to find a different solution. Environment Variable As always, everything
proxy Make Spotify Web Player Work Behind Proxy Apparently, productivity increases when you listen to (the right type of) music. So, my medicine these days is Spotify. To make your proxy woes go away, try to use If that doesn't work, you're out of luck.
android Gradle and Proxy Authentication in Android Studio Update: This is obsolete as Android Studio is going to eliminate JVM arguments for gradle. See this post for a more future-proof approach. The other day I did an exercise to install Android Studio ("AS" henceforth) (0.8.4 at the moment of writing) and create a project