Sep 6, 2018 list projects python rundeck List Rundeck Projects The other day I found out that Rundeck has an API which allows it to be controlled remotely by scripts. I've decided to
Jun 18, 2018 developer json oracle python sql statement update Build Update Statements with Oracle SQL Developer and Python By default, SQL Developer can only export INSERT statements. This is quite unfortunate when one needs to build UPDATE statements because their syntax is different.
Nov 10, 2017 docker gocd initialise job pipeline python task Initialise Python with GoCD Following the deployment of a python-aware agent, we can start creating a pipeline. The first stage would be to: 1. Clean up any previous data
Nov 10, 2017 cd ci docker gocd python Create a Python-friendly GoCD Agent in Docker I've got two requirements to make GoCD useful: 1. Run both the server and agent(s) in Docker 2. Make it python-friendly Fortunately,
Oct 11, 2017 global handler logging python Handler for Global Logger in Python While writing a command line tool, I've stumbled upon a strange situation: Some logs were written to a file while some others were