Apr 15, 2014 data form html python requests server Send POST to server via python-requests The other day I've had a question asked: How do you send a form data to a server and get the reply? My
Apr 2, 2014 clob db oracle python xml xsd Loading XSDs into Oracle through Python Following the previous incursions in Oracle and their own documentation, we decided it was useful to attach schemas to the inserted data, just because only
Apr 1, 2014 fragment insert large oracle python schema segment xsd Use Oracle's RegisterSchema with Large Schemas (from Python) An important note when loading XSDs in Oracle is that DBMSXMLSCHEMA.registerSchema() requires the actual content of the _xsd is loaded in a string. A
Mar 31, 2014 cx_oracle drop oracle python remove schema Drop an Oracle-Loaded XSD in Python A loaded schema can be dropped if: * No other schema depends on it * No data using the schema is loaded I think you may force
Mar 31, 2014 cx_oracle dependent oracle python xsd Loading Dependent XSDs in Oracle through Python One essential feature is that schemas can refer to other schemas. Oracle supports it via the schemaURL parameter. In other words, the url of the