Mar 23, 2015 add autoincrement column db key postgres primary sql Add Primary Key Column to PostgreSQL Table The other day I got a question: How to add a numeric PK column to an already existent table? A quick look on the net
Oct 2, 2014 database postgres schema size sql Postgres: Show Schema Sizes in a Database While loading a large database from files to a Postgres schema, I found very useful to know how much space on disk it actually occupies
May 13, 2014 call iterate loop postgres procedure sql store PostgreSQL: Call a Stored Procedure for Every Row I guess that newbies in PostgreSQL like me have first question when they create a store procedure: How do I call it? The answer is
Mar 24, 2014 cx_oracle insert python sql update upsert UPSERT (update or insert) in Oracle with Python One of the things I had to do is to build a script to upload data (e.g. the content of a list of files)
Mar 7, 2014 oracle references sql xmlfield xmltable Memory dump: Work with XMLField in Oracle (part 4) Table of Contents 1. Part 1 - Prerequisites 2. Part 2 - Create a table and perform a SELECT 3. Part 3 - User Python