Today's Obsidian Trick - Track task progress across files

You can track task progress of multiple files in Obsidian using a dataview table.

Today's Obsidian Trick - Track task progress across files

Until today, I was able in Obsidian to track the progress of closing tasks in a single file at a time via progressbar, like so:

`= "<progress value='" + (length(filter(this.file.tasks.completed, (t) => t = true)) / length(this.file.tasks.text)) * 100 + "' max='100'></progress>" + " " + round((length(filter(this.file.tasks.completed, (t) => t = true)) / length(this.file.tasks.text)) * 100, 2) + "% completed"`

This is a one-liner that tracks the progress of all tasks in a single file, and its result would look like this:

It's great if you have like a central file. However it has at least three drawbacks I could see:

  1. You need to refresh the page each time you change a task's status. Otherwise, the progress value remains the same. This is well known and it happens because the calculation is mate when the file is opened.
  2. You need to open each file containing tasks (and replicate the code around
  3. It doesn't work with dataview TASK views.

Listing tasks

I do have multiple files with tasks and I have a 'concentrator' file with a TASK listing like so:

FROM "Projects"
WHERE !completed 

This will output all open tasks from all files, grouping them by file (so it's not a flat list of tasks).

You can change the criteria, add filters etc., based on the dataview documentation

Want more?

The concentrator has reached a rather large size of tasks, mainly because I always come up with new ideas in the TODO category, and I leave them until I have time to tackle them. So, I figured it's easier if I just go and split the concentrator into thematic tasks and track their progress. So, I've come up with this formula:

	"[[" + key + "]]" as Files,
	length(rows) AS Total,
	length(filter(rows.tasks, (r) => r.completed)) AS Completed,
	"<progress max=100 value=" + (100 * length(filter(rows.tasks, (r) => r.completed)) / length(rows)) + ">" as Progress
FROM "Projects"
FLATTEN file.tasks as tasks

The result is something like:

Each entry is a file that has tasks in it.

One thing to remember is that if a note has a TASK dataview query, it will not be picked up by the list, because the dataview queries are evaluated for the specific file, when it's opened.