date Get Job Executions in Rundeck Following the previous articles, we are now in position to query job executions. The query is done via API as well. As a job can have an arbitrary number of executions, it's advisable to use pagination. The code follows the same lines as the one in the previous
bulk Bulk Change the Date on Photos I've got a new camera and I forgot to update the date. Consequently, the first photos are taken on 01/01/2017 instead of 04/03/2018. Given that more than 100 photos were taken, it would be a pain to change them one by one. So, here
dataframe Convert Timestamp to DateTime for Pandas DataFrame To convert a pandas data frame value from unix timestamp to python datetime you need to use: pd.to_datetime(df['timestamp'], unit='s') where: * timestamp is the column containing the timestamp value * unit='s' defines the unit of the timestamp (seconds in this
date Get most recent modification date for a folder in python Finding out when a directory was most recently modified should be relatively easy; just perform a dir or a ls -l and you should have it. Sometimes you actually do, but not always (I remember my assembly days when I would write cool programs to manipulate the FAT information on