monitor Looking for a monitoring infrastructure My quest to get the ultimate monitoring infrastructure.
helm Helm - Variable Access Access to variable in Helm is strange for me. Here's how I solved an error.
truenas Rsync data from TrueNas to Synology - Back Up the Data Here's how to create the rsync task on TrueNAS.
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synology Rsync data from TrueNas to Synology - Synology Setup Follow these steps to prepare your synology to deceive rsync backups from TrueNas
insurance A Workflow for a Client's Car Insurance Here's a simple insurance workflow process so a client can get a quote quickly.
til TIL - Self-hosting Tools Few more self-hosted tools: Homarr, MailCow, Invidious, TTRSS and RSSHub
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influxdb Grep in Flux Language for InfluxDB 2+ Queries built with the query builder are inflexible. See here gow to make them more adaptive.
ansible Better Reverse Proxies with SWAG and Ansible I've updated my swag_reverse_proxy role with more variables for templates!
ansible Featured Install Media Managers with Ansible I've created a role for all your media management needs. Check it out!
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cloudflare Featured Cloudflare DDNS with Ansible I've created an Ansible role to help you install the Cloudflare DDNS Docker container. Read here about it!